Thursday, March 26, 2009

Chai Tow Kwai Conversations (Carrot Cake Conversations)

Chai Tow Kwai conversation (Carrot cake) is about 2 men and 2 women lost in (different ways) in Singapore and eat carrot cake.

I liked Andrea Fonseka - but whats there not to like? The film could be all about her taking a shower and complaining that the conditioner is too rough on her skin - and I would still watch it... droool.

Basically its about two rich losers and two pretty chicks with no visible means of support. The men are screwed up inside, despite being super rich, and are conversationally challenged. The women are pretty... oh yah, when Andrea got into the shower... uh, wait, wrong movie. V.V

Anyways, they meet up - have deep and meaningful conversations about life over a plate of carrot cake. And at the end - find resolution.

Actually, I like my shower story better...

Why I didn't like the show: its a monotone. Same drone. Same beat. The only time there was a registered heart beat was when the two old people talk about their kids in dialect. The old chai tow kway seller was probably the best actor in this show. Sorry Andrea.

And the conversations - aiyah, try hard man. Nail board scratching time. Way too pretentious. Its like that time I tried to build a complex model tank that had like one million parts and botched it up with too much glue.

(Nesxt movie - Olive Depression 6:30pm)

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