Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Colonel Tigh takes a Dive. New Season for Battlestar Galatica

Woot! The new season for Battlestar Galactica is on!!! Just watched the first episode - it rocks!!! At the same time its probably one of the darkest episodes of the series. Can't really talk to much about the show otherwise I'll end up revealing too much. Suffice to say:

One of the main stars gets killed.

The final cylon is revealed.

And the origins of the 13th Tribe are elaborated upon.

Unfortunately, yes, they've really found Earth. No, its not a mistake. (Or perhaps, its THEIR version of Earth). The movie producers were very careful not to show the planet with its continent landmass shown clearly.

Click here if you want to find out about Plot Spoilers (But if I were you I'd hold off)

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