Thursday, August 28, 2008

Why you should dread a left wing revolution

One thing very ironic about left wing revolutions - French Revolution, Soviet Revolution, China's Communist Revolution, Vietnam, North Korea, Cuban Revolution, Pol Pot etc.. is that - despite the fact that the revolutionaries preach about bring Peace and Justice and Democratic rights for the common people - despite such lofty noble goals - they 100% end up being absolute tyrannical monsters.

Now whilst I support people's right to protest about the War in Iraq - they seriously strike me as a bunch of hypocrites and naiveidiots.

They frequently complain that their rights are infringed ... ie that their right to free speech is denied - and yet ironically they behave in obnoxious hypocritical ways to their opponents.Watch the video - and see how a bunch of white men peace activists howl and harass a small Asian woman and threaten her whilst shouting "Love, Peace, Justice". Its horrible. God help us if these bastards ever got into power. The action starts 3.30 minutes into the video.

Click on the link here

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