Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Peace Activists want to murder a small Asian woman... so sad.

One thing very ironic about left wing revolutions - French Revolution, Soviet Revolution, China's Communist Revolution, Vietnam, North Korea, Cuban Revolution, Pol Pot etc.. is that - despite the fact that the revolutionaries preach about bring Peace and Justice and Democratic rights for the common people - despite such lofty noble goals - they 100% end up being absolute tyrannical monsters.

Now whilst I support people's right to protest about the War in Iraq - they seriously strike me as a bunch of hypocrites and naiveidiots.

They frequently complain that their rights are infringed ... ie that their right to free speech is denied - and yet ironically  they behave in obnoxious hypocritical ways to their opponents.Watch the video - and see how a bunch of white men peace activists howl and harass a small Asian woman and threaten to kill her whilst shouting "Love, Peace, Justice!!!". These same people claim they want free speech, yet see the way they scream and shout down a small woman. What @#$%ers.

I mean how fubar can you get? God help us if these bastards ever got into power. The action starts 3.30 minutes into the video.

1 comment:

Jason Mullinder said...

Gotta love those leftie activists - just think of how much they've acheived for the gay crippled whales...