Thursday, August 07, 2008

First Borns were Born to Rule - Last Borns to Rebel

In his best-seller, Why First Borns Rule The World And Last Borns Want To Change It, the Melbourne parenting expert Michael Grose, writes that birth order leaves an “indelible stamp” on personality.

Seventy per cent of American presidents were supposedly first-born sons, and 50 per cent of Australian prime ministers, including Paul Keating, who yesterday, in typical big-brother style, described Costello as a “nong” - more water off a duck’s back. A US survey last year found 43 per cent of CEOs were first-born children, used to bossing other people around, and just 23 per cent were last-born…

He says that first-borns are more conservative, conscientious and socially dominant, while last-borns are charismatic rebels and revolutionaries, with an unwearying nose for sabotage. Fidel Castro, the Cuban dictator, is a classic youngest child.

Comment: I think this sort of rule of thumb ideas have some merit. But without empircal studies based on extensive research - and not - "hey my dad was conservative but my third uncle was a total tool and rebel..." this has got to be considered under wise woman's wisdom. Click below for the wise woman.


Teddy Ursa said...

And what did he say about the middle child? :)

Yauming YMC said...

Dunno. He'll probably discuss it in his next book. lol.