Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Hungry Bears try and eat Russians

Hungry bears trap Russian geologists

July 23, 2008, 7:15 am

At least 30 hungry bears have trapped a team of geologists in their camp in Russia's far east.

It follows a fatal bear attack on two workers at the same site last week.

Local emergency services workers say at least 30 bears have been roaming the camp on the Kamchatka peninsula, as they search for food.

As a result, scientists have been stuck in the camp and are too scared to move since two of their colleagues were killed by one of the bears last week.

Hunters are on their way to the remote site to shoot the bears and free the geologists.

Reports say that emergency services officials believe that this year there have been either too many bears or not enough fish, but in any case the food supply has been inadequate for the animals.

Bears can weigh up to 700 kilograms.


Jeremy N said...

I don't envy the hunters, almost as much as the geologists... Having quarry that can fight back is not a fun prospect.
... Lets see what ACF (Australian Conservation Foundation, not church), PETA and other rabids think of this!

Yauming YMC said...

Preferably when you put them in the same forest as the said 70 bears.