Thursday, July 17, 2008

Excel Spreadsheet Question

Hi everyone.

I'm trying to do a audit on my company taxes - and I'm using EXCEL.

I am an Arts grad - meaning I can find a million excuses - but can't calculate or use a spreadsheet to save my life.

I'm trying to fit in a formula to auto calculate column K. Instead of trying to calculate each row individually.

I can put in the formula

=+H18+I18+J18 to calculate Chip Application in Row 18. and I guess I can do it manually by changing the formulae and working my way downwards.

But I'd rather just put in a general formulae which works it out. Know what I'm talking about??

Anyone familar with EXCEL - and can help me out??


bianca p said...

what you can do is this:

= $H18 + $I18 + $J18

Then copy paste (or drag) this formula to the other rows where you want to apply the same formula.
That will result in, e.g. for row 19 to have the formula as:

= $H19 + $I19 + $J19

The $-sign will fix the column, but keep the row # variable.

Hope this helps!

Yauming YMC said...

lol. I hope so2!!! :)

Yauming YMC said...

hahaah... I copies the text from here and pasted it onto the Excel spreadsheet - and got your photo and your entire remarks onto the column. ROTFL.

Yauming YMC said...

Umm... still not working. I'm just getting a repeat of the calculation that belongs to row 18 .

Yauming YMC said...

Wait. I get it. It works now. Thanks Bianca!!

bianca p said...

ok... great! just about to write you that you could try the dragging across method...

Yauming YMC said...

Yeah, I didn't drag it. lol. thanks for that. Starting to get the hang of Excel now. But it still scares the living daylights out of me.