Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I dreamt of my father today

One problem I have waking up here in Australia - which I don't in Singpore - is the lack of sunlight.

In Singapore- my room is bathed with sunlight at 7am every morning. The sun causes me to wake up naturally. Natural is always better. Its estimated that millions of people suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder - caused by the lack of sunlight in the morning.

See here for more details : Finally a healthy solution to SAD and here.

Anyways, 8am and my room is still dark. I've woken up though. But its too cold to get up. So I go back to sleep. And I get weird dreams. Not erotic ones, sadly. Hence the term SAD :)

This time I dreamt I was fixing something or going on a trip with someone and that person - changed into my father - who died many years ago.

He was smiling. He looked younger and healthier - in his early 40s when he was strong and fit.

He didn't say anything to me. But I got a feeling that he was pleased with me for some reason. Not that I've done anything fantastic or anything. And in fact he was rather disappointed with me when he passed away. But it was good seeing dad again. He looked wonderful.

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