Saturday, December 30, 2006

Mass Media

I've stopped subscribing to newspapers for a long time now. I usually only read a few sections, and then the paper gets thrown out. A waste of resources. Imagine the number of trees or forests that get slaughtered! LOL.

I prefer to read online these days. Its more convenient. You can easily cut and store information you want.

Another reason why I don't subscribe to the (Western Media) papers like the SMH or Age or NYT is the amount of utter rubbish that they spout. If I had a dollar each time the media lampoons George Bush and Ashcroft, I'd be richer than Bill Gates. If there was a story that had some dirt on a western politician or the war against terrorism - that was just pure speculation or rumor- the western media would certainly run it.

Yet with issues such as Arab Muslim immigrants causing major problems- such as running amok over a few Danish cartoons, the Western media remains silent.

Mark Steyn says it best:

The Danish cartoons story was a test, and the civilized world failed it … It seems it’s one thing to “speak truth to power” when the power’s George Bush or John Ashcroft, quite another when it’s an Islamist mob coming to burn your building down. Needless to say, reflex blowhardism is so ingrained in the media class they couldn’t resist passing off their prioritizing of self-preservation as a bold principled stand. Or as Philip Lee, professor of journalism at St Thomas University in New Brunswick, put it: “Freedom of the press means you can publish, or not. Not publishing is also an expression of freedom.”

In the words of a Deadwood resident, "They've got their heads so far shoved up their ass, that they can't find it."

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